

I guess I've lost my date books for '89,'90,'91,'92. This sucks because these were four of my most productive years on the road. I worked the road 45-50 weeks each year, traversing the country many times and playing some of the best clubs in the country as a middle act, putting over 200,000 miles on my little white Yugo.

Some of the highlights of '89-'92 are:

  • Taping an episode of "Showtime's Comedy Club Network" at Hilarities alongside Steve Harvey. We got a multi-page write-up in the The Plain Dealer.
  • Performing with David Cross and Denny Johnston in the 1989 San Francisco International Comedy Competition and coming in 28th out of 40 with only two years' experience as a stand-up.
  • Featuring for the late great Bill Hicks in January of 1990 at the Funny Firm in downtown Chicago.
  • Fielding the phone call that landed Drew his first appearance on "The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson while sharing a "comedy condo" with Drew while working the Funny Bone in Arlington, TC. Drew did Carson on my birthday, Nov.8th, 1991.
  • Thanks to Drew, Tim Allen and their manager Rick Messina, taping an episode of "A & E's Comedy on the Road" at Mark Ridley's Comedy Castle in Detroit.
  • Taking my friends backstage at the Palace Theater in Cleveland to meet and hang out with Tim Allen.

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