"The Fun Dude Goes Hollywood!"

While building this site I stumbled across my short-lived "The Fun Dude" blog on Blogger. Although I decided I wouldn't be able to maintain a blog while working on a cruise ship at that stage of my Carnival career, I managed to write a halfway-decent three-part piece about my weekend trip to Los Angeles back in May of 2009:

"The Fun Dude Goes Hollywood Act 1" http://thefundude.blogspot.com/2009/05/fun-dude-goes-hollywood.html

"The Fun Dude Goes Hollywood Act 2" http://thefundude.blogspot.com/2009/05/fun-dude-goes-hollywood-act-2.html

"The Fun Dude Goes Hollywood Act 3" http://thefundude.blogspot.com/2009/05/fun-dude-goes-hollywood-act-3.html


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